StarXCHAOS! Character Design – Pumpkin Pie Cookie

Pumpkin Pie Cookie (& Pompon) from Cookie Run: Kingdom

A previous supporter nominated Pumpkin Pie Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom, and I could NOT resist the urge to give her some of that Corrupted energy. As a bonus I added a little twist to Pompon’s design as well! Like…they’re SO GODDANG CUTE THOUGH???

The game is full of incredible, charming characters, and it inspired me to get my butt in gear to start my voiceover career already. I even met one of the character voice actors (in a Twitch stream) and it was so surreal! Aaand just in case I forget, I may get the urge to write a little fanfic blurb about how Pumpkin Pie Cookie was Reborn! Maybe! I was thinking about making that an incentive or something for funding.
Let me know what you think, everyone! I’d love to know!


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